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Image by Patrick Robert Doyle
Image for Cash Voucher tab.jpg

Cash Voucher

Another TTM's business initiative 


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8 out of 10 would accept a cash-voucher gift when it has a long validity, is of an attractive value and imposes no obligations of use. It is similar to cash back, an instant gratification that edges over loyalty points. More so when the recipient has time to consider visiting the destination and use the voucher.

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Cash Voucher tab on home page of portal

1st Mile Engagement

We market your sponsored Cash Voucher to the targeted audience of your choice, by market, industry segment and even to company level. Audience who download your voucher become your most prospective customers even when they have not yet decided to travel. It enables you to target market your best offers at literally zero marketing cost!

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Cash Voucher of sponsoring hotel

Greater Brand Exposure

Throughout the validity period, your hotel's Cash Voucher offer will be featured in multi touch points, from the travel portal's home page, newsletters, booking confirmation emails (of other products) to solo emailers, to invite customers to download the Cash Voucher. Each Cash Voucher features your hotel's image, name, logo and offered value, enhancing your brand awareness.

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Cash Voucher offer to customers who have booked flights. 

Target Marketing

In addition to various touch points for our members to download the Cash Voucher, the sponsoring hotel gets two solo mailers to customers who have downloaded the cash voucher. The emails is not only a reminder to use the voucher but is also the hotel's great opportunity for 1 to 1 marketing and to extend any special offers. All these for FREE!

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Zero Cost Marketing

Zero cost to initiate and start a campaign.

Zero cost when customers download the cash vouchers.

Zero cost for two solo mailers to customers who have downloaded vouchers.

Only a 5% of the voucher value (and room rate sold) is charged as booking fee when voucher is redeemed, i.e. bookings made.

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Email of Cash Voucher details to customer who has downloaded

Marketing Database & Goodwill gained

Customers who have downloaded the cash vouchers are solely dedicated to the hotel for onward marketing and will not be used by other hotels or for other purposes, not even for  TTM.

Cash Vouchers are marketed as sponsored by the hotel, so the hotel earns the goodwill with customers.

Higher Yield

Comparison between traditional online and TTM's Cash Voucher marketing. Even at a lower rate than on public sites offered to voucher holders and after redemption of cash voucher, hotel earns a higher net income (using a sale of every Baht1,000 illustration).


The non-tangible benefits are priceless and outweigh traditional marketing via online intermediaries. 

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Easy Setup & Strong Control


We just need hotel's sponsor amount, validity period, terms of use (which room type and rate plan) and target audience and the set up can be ready in 30 minutes to be marketed (for already contracted hotels).

Hotel can decide viewership by selecting markets, industry segments or companies to offer the Cash Voucher. Define if vouchers can be redeemed for specific room type, rate plan, period, minimum advance booking period, maximum length of stay, and set daily allotment to control number of redemptions per day, week or month. 

Hotel incurs marketing cost only when voucher is redeemed. TTM charges a 5% fee of the voucher value as marketing fee. Remaning value of Cash Voucher returns to hotel as part of booked revenue.

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